Why in America–Thanksgiving?

US Flag; mayflower ship; KJ BibleWhy Thanksgiving in America? Simply put: We are blessed! Yes, there is corruption and dysfunction ever looming; however, most of us can safely lie down in our beds after a day of hard work; or even for some, a time of relaxation. In spite of our ills, the LORD is still blessing America. Yet, we must be vigilant to examine our lives to assess if we are walking according to God’s principles. Even though He would that no one perish; and He is long suffering with us, He does have a point at which He will give us over to remain in a chosen sinful lifestyle if we refuse to repent and turn to make Him LORD of our lives. The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9 And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man … Genesis 6:3


Freedom and the blessings from the LORD are things we tend to take for granted. However, when we even minimally tune into the news of the day, wars and threats of wars loom for many, and untold numbers of people have lost or are in imminent danger of losing many God-given inalienable rights. Homes are being destroyed and lives needlessly ended. Yet, the contrast of our freedoms with the latter for most of us should be evident.


Why give thanks?

Turn to the Scriptures for a direct reason from our Maker and Sustainer of life to give thanks: Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice … in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. In the next verse, we are given the answer—what we can reap when we truly give thanks: And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:4-7 Peace is something that is vital individually, nationally, and world-wide. Please do not take this out of context. It’s not that we are thankful for the adversities in life (because we do live in a fallen world); however, through them, God CAN miraculously, given TIME, work good for us out of what may seem unending struggles and challenges.


Can good come out of a tempestuous storm?

Yes, good can come out of even strong and turbulent storms. That’s one of the reasons we are sharing this message with you which focuses on such a storm that played a major part in establishing the freedoms we share here in America. “Thanksgiving: Why in America?” is designed to remind those of us who are blessed to live in America that we share a special heritage forgotten by some or perhaps never known by many. If you are thankful to the LORD for placing you in a country where you have many freedoms, it is our hope that you will share this message with others who may benefit from reflecting on freedoms they (and many of us) take for granted, but could lose.

 Can you commit to 15 minutes?


DVD cover like feature imageAdditionally, we are asking you to share this message, through a free DVD we want to send to you, hoping you will take a 15-minute break on Thanksgiving to watch or give to someone whom you could encourage to do also. Yes, we are well aware that DVD’s are old technology; however, for those of you who can, we urge you to view the DVD, or even share it with a stranger who crosses your pathway to help remind all that we have a heritage that is being whittled away; but one that is well worth reflecting upon. If you are not able to share this message through our free DVD, this video is available online at: https://www.restorationofthefamily.org/thanksgiving-why-in-america/ (See contact information at end of this article to send us an email request by providing your mailing address.)

Why is it that we have a national holiday, Thanksgiving, celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November?

The first Thanksgiving was established by a group of Pilgrims from England, November 1620. Before embarking on their journey to America, these devout Christians obtained written permission to do so from King James I of England. Unlike many other voyagers, their purpose was unique. In their native homeland, there had been great growing persecutions against the practice of their Christian beliefs.

So important was their freedom of worship to them that they traveled to this land to establish a nation where they could practice their Christian beliefs and freely worship the LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ. It was they who paused during that first winter of extreme weather and severe food shortages here in America to give thanks for God’s blessings upon their lives.

It was all for the glory of God.

The Pilgrims sold their earthly belongings and left forever their many loved ones. They departed from Plymouth, England September 6, 1620, on a 66-day voyage across the Atlantic Ocean and traveled housed in the dark, unsanitary hull of a ship in cramped quarters with limited food supplies; many with small children. Half of those who started the journey did not survive the arduous trip, and more died after arriving.

Mayflower in stormIn addition to confinement in what became almost unbearable living quarters, when they neared the shores of our homeland, they encountered such a turbulent storm that their ship was blown 400 miles off course forcing them to land in a totally different part of the eastern shoreline of America from where they had planned to land. Many on board the Mayflower likely asked, “Why God,” and were not ready during this horrific storm to give thanks. Yet, those who survived did not lose sight of why they came to America.

Their “ship,” like many of ours, was blown off course.

However, the seemingly unprecedented storm the Pilgrims endured turned out to be a blessing upon their lives. This “Providential storm” forced the Pilgrims to land at Cape Cod, Massachusetts instead of their planned destination in the northern part of Virginia. They later learned that Cape Cod was one of the few places along the coast of North America where hostile Indians would not attack and slaughter them. More than likely, all would have been murdered IF they had not been providentially blown off course by this violent storm. God allowed them to suffer through such a frightening storm in addition to all they had already sacrificed and undergone because He was working “… all things … together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

The Pilgrims went before us and made a covenant by which every Christian should live.

Pilgrims signing Mayflower CompactEven more important to us, and our loved ones, is what the Pilgrims wrote and to what they covenanted to God to uphold. This was before they walked off the Mayflower and stepped upon what they named Plymouth Rock (so called after their last place of port in England). They drew up and signed The Mayflower Compact. It was through this document that they put in writing for a permanent record their purpose for coming to this land: … having undertaken for the Glory of God, and Advancement of the Christian Faith.signing document


Sadly, many have turned from the vision for which our nation was established.

Frame containing part of the words from Mayflower CompanyIsn’t it tragic how we as a nation, and many individually, have turned from the vision and purpose for which this country was established?

In fact, most citizens aren’t even aware of the words penned within The Mayflower Compact that so powerfully and succinctly expressed the heart of the devoted survivors: “… Having undertaken for the Glory of God and advancement of the Christian faith …”



Our message for this writing is threefold.

First, we encourage you to gird yourself up if you have given up hope because your situation looks bleak knowing that God does work all things for good in the lives of those who are the called according to His purpose. We must not forget HE is the Potter; we are the clay. We live in our “vessels” to serve the LORD. Thus, we must train ourselves to give thanks every day knowing that God is bigger than our circumstances and has a plan to work through each of our lives to bring about His good.

eagleHowever, we have a part and that is to muster up the courage and discipline to not focus on our circumstances and to look for ways to serve others while we wait upon the LORD to renew our strength: But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

Are you “apt” to teach?

Man teaching childrenSecond, we urge you to pass on to others your Christian heritage as you work to do your part to rebuild lives, families, and our nation by simply committing to watch this DVD and/or share it with one other person. You may not be a professional teacher but you can be a vessel to teach others a few facts about our national heritage just by sharing this video. We’ve done the work, but we need your hands to help share this important message:

And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach 2 Timothy 2:24

Pilgrim man and woman prayingThird, truly make this Thanksgiving one of manifold thanks offered unto the LORD by putting down a new stake to thank God in all things, good and bad, in your life. Again, it’s not that we are thankful for the evil and disasters which frequent each of our lives but that we are trusting in the LORD to be working all things for good for His purpose.

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Jeremiah 29:11 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”
1 Thessalonians 5:18

And last but not least, we want to give thanks for each person who gives of his precious time to not only read the messages we share; but that you will study the Word of God because, as we are told in Second Timothy 2:15, that is one way each Christian shows himself to be approved unto God. It’s the avenue by which we learn how the LORD expects us to apply the Word in our lives.

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15

It’s a dangerous thing not to KNOW what God requires of us.

 … what doth the LORD thy God require of thee,King James Bible
but to fear the LORD thy God,
to walk in all his ways, and to love him,
and to serve the LORD thy God with all thy heart
with all thy soul.,
To keep the commandments of the LORD,
and his statutes …
Deuteronomy 10:12-13

 DVD cover like feature imageThird, we pray that you will send for your free copy of the DVD: Thanksgiving: Why in America? RestorationOfTheFamily@gmail.com; Restoration Of The Family: PO Box 621342, Oviedo, FL 32762-1342.

This offer expires December 1, 2023 and/or as our supply lasts and is only for those with U.S. postal addresses.

If you have questions, need prayer, would like other materials or to be added to our free email distribution list for our periodic teachings, please contact us. We are blessed when we hear from you.


In Christ’s Service,
Judith Brumbaugh
Restoration Of The Family, Inc.