copy of title image KJ bible, Decl of Indep. No sign on belt, figure holding salt shakerWho changed the Truth of God into a lie … This statement, recorded by the apostle Paul in Romans 1:25, is addressed in this teaching but in a different context. If we listen to the mainline news, we might be confused between what the truth is and what the lies are.

(This article is available in booklet format. See end of article to get a copy. We urge you to get the hard copy of this teaching because of its length and need to focus more seriously if you haven’t studied this topic previously.)

Perhaps, some of us are thinking about our country’s foundational legal documents (the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights,* et al.) more than ever. This may be because we are listening to debates over what is or isn’t protected as part of our Constitutional rights and what does and does not come under the Rule of Law.
*Every night these documents are lowered into a bomb-proof safe.

Picture of writing on McKinley Statue about need to preserve the Consitution, a sacred instrument and pass onto generations to come.The image at the right is of a statue of President McKinley.Statue of McKInely It was created in 1901. The inscription on the base (enlarged in the box at the left) was recently referenced by two pastors as they were standing in front of the statue.


The pastors were being interviewed by the press because they had filed a lawsuit against their state after the governor had issued an order that their churches had to be shut down. The pastors reminded the reporters of the inscription on the base of the statue and its relationship to our country’s freedom of worship which has been historically protected throughout our long-standing Constitutional history. However, that right and several others are being threatened on many different fronts.

Would you be concerned if the following would occur:

  • your freedom of religion and speech, even though protected through the First Amendment, were suddenly taken from you;
  • your right to protect your property were abolished because the laws of our land were changed;
  • the system of checks and balances (the three branches of government) were abolished or the power among these three separate but equal powerful branches were merged;
  • your right to a fair trial were set aside;
  • politicians, year after year, rewrote our foundational legal documents, changing hundreds of words that could modify established protections?

We have two legal documents.

King James Bible; Declaration of IndependenceMost Christians believe that both our country’s foundational legal documents and the Bible are important but for different reasons. Many would agree that, in some degree, each of these documents encompass certain truths which create a foundation for living; the former, more legal; the latter, more spiritual. However, there are those who may not realize that the Bible is also a legal document. At least God considers it so.


The LORD refers to the Bible in legal terms hundreds of times. For example, the word law is repeated 25 times in Psalm 119, and several other synonyms are recorded under the umbrella of law. These include such terms as judgment, testimonies, precepts, and statutes; the latter three are each used 20 or more times in just this one Psalm. And, as the LORD said to Joshua in Joshua 1:8, This book of the law … These, and all words in the Bible, are penned, NOT by those who chose themselves to do so, but by those God chose to record them. Thus, all Scripture is to be (1) revered, (2) protected, (3) unaltered, and (4) upheld. The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom … Proverbs 9:10

God's "Law of Authorship:' God chose the penmen of Scripture.Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. 2 Peter 1:20  God’s “Law of Authorship,” as stated in 2 Peter, tells us that the Bible was not written by what men thought or devised (private interpretation). This verse is written both as a directive and as a statement of fact to let all know that only God creates Scripture.


BEWARE: Verse 21 further defines who it was that God gave inspiration, permission, and direction to record His Book of laws, precepts, statutes, etc.  For the prophecy [the written Word of God] came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. Men held the pen; God moved through the pen holder.

What do we revere more, the temporal or the eternal?

Sadly, unlike our Constitution and the laws of the land, many do not revere the words in the Bible as they do the foundational legal documents of our country. Even though God warns, with serious eternal repercussions, not to change His Word, most either do not fear or do not understand these warnings and/or the reasons for such. Furthermore, it appears that many either do not understand or do not believe that the repercussions for changing God’s Word can affect more than just this life; else, they likely would not change the words of the Bible.


For I [Jesus Christ] testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. Revelation 22:18-19


But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus [change God’s Word verbally or in actions], whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him. 2 Corinthians 11:3-4


In Deuteronomy 4:2, the LORD gives a simplified reason for not rewriting His Word. Every word is very precise and should be revered: Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish aught from it, [Why?] that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you.


Even more profound is a statement recorded in Matthew 5:18: For verily I [Jesus] say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot* or one tittle* shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. There is a greater burden placed upon Jesus. He must fulfill everything exactly as … it is written … Matthew 4:4 *New version authors make serious doctrinal changes to Matthew 5:18 specifically by changing the words jot and tittle.


If you do not understand the importance of the words jot and tittle, write for our book, “Finding Loopholes in the Bible on Divorce and ‘Re-marriage’ is like … Riding a Bike to Jamaica,” or go to our website: Click on Materials.


Thus, if someone rewrites even one Scripture (or changes one jot or tittle) to include false doctrine, and Jesus would, or would not fulfill it, He would become a false prophet. Think on this. This is very serious. God CANNOT lie.

But God …

Many who alter the Scriptures say that they are only making the Bible easier to understand, or they are updating what they feel is out-of-date language. In keeping with such rationale, Bible authors have written more than 400 different, copyrighted, English versions of the Bible (unlike the preservation of our country’s foundational legal documents which have not been rewritten). “How can this be?” should we not ask?


It is because man has taken on a privilege not given to him by God (no matter what the human reasoning)—to rewrite what God inspired Holy men to record under the power of the Holy Ghost. But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. 1 Corinthians 2:14

Was the U.S. copyright law providentially timed by God?

Most English new versions of the Bible are copyrighted. The King James Bible is not copyrighted. However, what many well-meaning authors (and those who purchase their publications) may not understand is that every copyrighted version MUST violate God’s “Copyright Law” to not add to or subtract from His word.


It was in 1790 that the first copyright law was instituted in the United States. That law protects the works of authors from others who want to steal and/or reproduce their works without permission. Copyrighted versions of the Bible are under the authority of the U.S. Government and its copyright laws.


Bibles come under the Derivative Copyright Law which requires authors (under penalty of law if violated) to change thousands of words from existing derivative works (Bibles already produced). Thus, authors who have copyrighted works must have significantly changed what already has been produced under copyright.


Are 100,000 words significant?Pastor, Dr. D. W. Waite (Bible for Today) analyzed such changes. His research shows, for example, that the New King James authors have changed more than 100,000 words from what is recorded in the King James Bible. God has much to say about such practices which He forbids: … I am against the prophets, saith the LORD, that steal my words … Jeremiah 23:30


Was it providential that the King James Bible used today was finalized in 1769, just prior to the first copyright law? No one in the United States can copyright the Scriptures in the King James Bible.


The Word of God is not bound. God's words are owned by no man.Second Timothy 2:9 records the word of God is not bound. Unlike  other modern versions of the Bible, the Scriptures in the King James Bible can be copied and reproduced without anyone’s permission as they are owned by no man. This is in contrast to copyrighted Biblical texts which, legally, must be based upon thousands of words which have been changed. These created Scriptures are owned by their authors.


An author is the creator or originator of any written work such as a book or play and is also considered a writer. More broadly defined, an author is the person who originated or gave existence to his/her work and whose authorship determines responsibility for what was created.

The people who translated the KJ Bible did not avow that they would change thousands of words to satisfy a governmental copyright law.

The King James translators vowed to God to create a word-for-word translation (verbal equivalence: keeping verbs as verbs, nouns as nouns, etc.). This Bible is based on a collection of underlying existing manuscripts that had been in use for hundreds of years in the churches.


The underlying Greek manuscripts for the New Testament included some 5000 agreeing, existing texts collectively called the Textus Receptus. The 40-50 translators (with hundreds of pastors, priests, and laypeople giving their input) were devout Christians, skilled grammarians, and experts in several languages. They worked for seven years both individually and in groups to record a context-based translation.

They knew that context must be the decisive factor for determining the final choice of a word or phrase rather than man’s thoughts, dictionary definitions, or etymologies. It’s very important to understand that the language of the King James Bible is not Jacobean or 17th century English, as some incorrectly have been taught. It is a grammatical, Biblical language greatly misunderstood as such by many.

The thee's, thou's and ye's are part of the vital grammatical structure.The often, wrongly criticized thee’s, thou’s, and ye’s of the King James English text are part of the precise translation from the underlying grammatical structure of God’s line-upon-line engineered masterpiece.


Table showing the difference between the English and Greek underlying workds for YE and YOU; they are different and only correctly translated in the King James Bible.

Throughout the King James Bible, personal pronouns which begin with Y are plural; those which begin with T are singular; thus, eliminating need for private interpretation.

In contrast to the formal equivalency of the King James Bible, new version translations are based upon some variant of dynamic equivalency (man’s thoughts and opinions) from only a few underlying, disagreeing texts which, unlike those used for the King James Bible, do not have a pastoral church history.

Their main Greek New Testament text, UBS/NA (United Bible Societies/Nestle-Aland), is periodically edited (changed). The latest is in its *28th edition! It is based upon a text created by two spiritualists, Westcott and Hort, which was secretly revealed by them to a closed committee in 1881. *Yet God says: Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. Hebrews 13:8 For I am the LORD, I change not … Malachi 3:6

In addition to changing thousands of words from existing texts, new version authors add hundreds of footnotes which add to, subtract from, or question the meaning of the recorded text. For more detail on these major ongoing efforts by man to reconstruct God’s law, write us, or see our publications on Bible versions (Volumes 1 and 2) on our website: under the heading Materials. Included in Volume 2 is a two-page “Quick Guide Test” to evaluate if you have a Bible based upon the Westcott/Hort corrupted text and/or contains doctrinal translation errors and critical footnotes which question or suggest alternate texts or wording as did Satan in Genesis 3:1.

Am I accountable to take on the responsibility to transmit Gods Word accurately?

Yes, every Christian has been called to do so. In contrast, do we revere our political documents more than we do the Word of God? Study a very strong admonition given by Jude, a half-brother of Jesus, in the epistle he penned. Jude began his epistle thinking that he was to write about our common salvation.


However, he received a very strong urging from the Holy Ghost to change his writing to focus on apostasy—falling away from the faith; preaching false doctrine; living ungodly lives. See Jude 1:3-4 below:


To whom did Jude write his warning?

  • Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you.

On what had Jude originally prepared to teach?

  • of the common salvation.

What did the Holy Ghost strongly redirect Jude to teach and exhort instead?

  • it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.

What had happened to have God so strongly change Jude’s message?

  • For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness.

When men turn God’s grace into a false approval to continue in sin what is the effect?

  • denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.


What is a common modern-day example of ungodly men turning the grace of God into lasciviousness?

It is the wrongful, false teaching that God’s grace covers the sin of adulterous marriages. Whosoever putteth away his wife, and marrieth another, committeth adultery: and whosoever marrieth her that is put away from her husband committeth adultery. Luke 16:18 That is, they say that God doesn’t expect those who divorce and marry another, while their covenant spouse is alive, to return to their covenant spouse; or to live celibate if reconciliation seems impossible.


Yet, these same people often preach and teach (and should) that sodomites (homosexuals) must stop committing their sexual sins and abortionists must stop murdering children in the womb.


Regrettably, pastors and laypeople alike do not uphold the same Biblical standard for the many adulterers whom they encourage to remain in their marital adultery. They “justify themselves before men” and teach others to do the same. Oh woe unto them. Be not deceived: Adultery is a sin (unrepented of: not turned from) which leads to eternal damnation.


See 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 and Galatians 5:19-21.

And he said unto them, Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knoweth your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God. Luke 16:15

How many words does it take to change doctrine?

It’s only one word out the some 783,000 words in the King James Bible that has created more controversy than most other Scriptural changes by man. This is a teaching about God’s “law of marriage” through the changing of the word fornication in Matthew 19:9 to sexual immorality, adultery, marital unfaithfulness, etc. See the table below. The underlying Greek text is given first. Notice there are different Greek words for the sins of fornication and adultery; the former of which is only correctly translated in the King James Bible.

Matthew 19:9 showing the Greek and only KJ is correctly translated. New versions change fornication to adultery, marital unfaithfulness, immoratlity, etc. which changes doctrine. Fornication here refers to the Jewish espousal (engagement).

So what is the overall needful message Jude recorded? It is a series of warnings for each of us (beloved brethren) to avoid apostasy in any of its ugly manifestations. Jude tells us in verses 17 and 18: But, beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before of the apostles of our LORD Jesus Christ; How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts. Jude, in verse 21, admonishes us to: Keep yourselves in the love of God … John specifically codifies this: If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father’s commandments, and abide in his love. John 15:10

Is it possible for an author of a Bible, who is or is not subject to the copyright law, to change thousands of words and not change doctrine and/or violate Gods copyright law?

The Bible is a collection of the writings God has given for us to study and by which to live. The Word of God cannot contain doctrinal errors or His Word would contain lies. It is impossible for God to lie and/or to inaccurately prophesy something no matter how major or minor it might be to come to pass.


There’s not a person on this earth who can understand why God has presented the Bible the way He has, nor does man have insight to the intricate and complex inner structure of the Bible. Neither does he comprehend the precise, contextual choice of every word. The Word is God.  In the beginning was the word … (John 1:1) ; therefore, what God says is 100% doctrinally accurate because God CANNOT lie, even in what He has inspired holy men to record. Yet, some Bibles such as the NIV record: God doesn’t lie. There is a difference between something someone CANNOT do and something someone doesn’t do … which God, that cannot lie… Titus 1:2 KJ However, we do not worship the Bible but the living God about Whom the Bible is written.

Man has many ways in which he directly or indirectly changes the Scriptures.

The two most direct ways man changes Scripture is by (1) rewriting It and (2) teaching false doctrine. Many doctrinal errors go unnoticed by even some diligent students of the Bible. However, there are more, even subtle, ways God’s Word is falsely “taught” in addition to directly changing specific words in the Bible. You, too, may have become an innocent partaker in misrepresenting the Word of God in ways you have not recognized. These include living in a lifestyle of sin, creating inaccurate images of Biblical accounts, and a common unbiblical “partaking,” especially during what many celebrate in December, the Nativity. The latter is done through the sharing of cards with inaccurate Scriptural representations; displaying unscriptural manger scenes, singing unscriptural lyrics from songs, displaying banners, and wearing clothing with images that misrepresent the written Word.


All events in the Bible are important; however, many of us would agree that the supernatural conception of Jesus through a virgin and His crucifixion and resurrection some 33 years later are highlights of the Biblical messages. Yet, how could it be that so many Christians accept inaccuracies in the retelling of the Nativity events surrounding the birth of Jesus as well as His crucifixion and resurrection? A few of these doctrinal errors are discussed below.

Doctrinal error by Bible authors misrepresents the intimacy and
earthly family of Mary and Jesus.

Matthew succinctly recorded the pregnancy of espoused Mary, her marriage to Joseph, and an oft-disputed fact about this godly husband’s and wife’s intimate life. They had no sexual relationships till after the birth of her firstborn son, Jesus. Joseph … knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son … Matthew 1:25

Matthew 1:25 showing how new versions omit firstborn.

Study the table above to observe how authors of new versions of the Bible create, with only one changed word, firstborn, what could be misused as a catalyst to influence several inaccurate teachings about Mary’s celibacy before the birth of Jesus and the births of His half-brothers and half-sisters after His birth. They were born of a natural conception between Joseph and Mary AFTER the supernatural conception (and subsequent birth) of Jesus, Mary’s firstborn son. Jesus, in contrast to His half-siblings, was conceived through the Holy Ghost. (See Luke 1:35.)

Further serious doctrinal errors are taught.

The person and deity of Jesus Christ are additionally convoluted when new version authors teach a serious doctrinal error about the deity of Jesus. They write that Jesus was the only begotten God, rather than the only begotten Son in John 1:18.  The NKJV authors create doctrinal error in their critical footnote: NU-text reads only begotten God. Study the table below.

Many new version authors also remove the fact that Jesus was the only BEGOTTEN Son (deity) in John 3:16, or they remove begotten in their footnotes even though the Greek word for only begotten is in their Greek text. Changing only begotten son to only son (by removing begotten) is a very serious doctrinal error.

John 1:18 showing new versions deleted begotten, a serious doctrinal change, either directly in the text or in their critical footnotes..

The Nativity scene (and other doctrinal passages) is wrongly taught in many ways other than through textual changes.

Many teachings of Luke Chapter 2 end, as did our article and video, A Dichotomy: A Child; A Son, after the physical birth of Jesus and the visit by the shepherds at the manger. However, more often than not, the Nativity/manger scene is incorrectly represented, not directly so much through the rewriting of Scriptures but in ways perhaps not recognized. This is done through:

  • inaccurate teachings from the pulpit;
  • children’s plays and adult pageants;
  • unscriptural lyrics in songs;
  • graphics on clothing and Christmas cards, banners hung in churches and homes;
  • manger scenes displayed in churches, homes, and public venues.


The word peace with the manger scene including the three kingsThe common MAJOR error is the inclusion of the wise men as part of the Nativity. The Nativity could include images representing Mary, Joseph, the babe in a manger, and shepherds worshipping at the manger. Instead, commonly wrongly added are three kings with their gifts at the manger worshipping Jesus; or three crowned, royal kings journeying to Bethlehem on their camels with gifts for the Messiah.

Its not of minor significance to misrepresent the Nativity.

wisemen traveling following the star with notation: Wise men have no place at the Nativity. They visited the CHILD, not babe; at a house, not manger; some two years later. Matthew 2:11A review of the gospel of Luke will verify that there were no kings on camels even mentioned at the birth scene. However, in the gospel of Matthew, we read … in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, Saying Where is he that is born King of the Jews? … Matthew 2:1-2 There’s a huge difference between wise men and kings. It wasn’t, as many graphics misrepresent, or as the inaccurate song proclaims, “We three kings of Orient are.” It was wise men from the East who likely would have traveled in a large caravan with their servants.


Matthew continues to relate what became a blessing for the wise men and the Messiah’s family; but, conversely, it was also a horrendous tragedy for untold other families. The wise men were guided by a supernatural star (His star) in the sky to the HOUSE in which the YOUNG CHILD and Mary and Joseph lived. And when they were come into the HOUSE, they saw the YOUNG CHILD … Matthew 2:11 The Scripture does not say there were three kings, nor did they visit the babe in the manger. They, instead, visited the young child in a house where the unnumbered (likely many) wise men brought gifts under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost.

PLEASE consider the TIMING of the WISE men.

They weren’t needed at the Nativity where they are so often egregiously misplaced. God KNEW Herod would try to murder the Messiah, and He knew when the wise men must arrive. The providential, supernatural, valuable gifts transported by the wise men included gold, frankincense, and myrrh. These were likely needed, in part, to finance the trip which Mary, Joseph, and Jesus (a family of limited financial resources) were forced to make to Egypt.


The sudden relocation of the Messiah and His family was because King Herod ordered the image showing soldiers murdering babies by order of Herod.murder of all children two years and under in his attempt to kill the Messiah, just after the wise men departed. The age of the slaughtered children gives a potential timeline regarding the length of time between the birth of Jesus and the visit from the wise men: it could have been as much as two years.


Yes, EVERY Word of God is pure and must be represented accurately; whether it be in word, thought, or deed; whether it be in lifestyles or graphics; or whether it be in the Nativity scene. (Review Psalm 12:6-7.)

Every Word of God is pure, even pronouns.

Major events in the infant life of Jesus included the fulfilling of the law of circumcision and presenting Him to the LORD at the Temple. Prior to His dedication was the purification ceremony for Mary. And when the days of her purification according to the law of Moses were accomplished, they [Joseph and Mary] brought him [Jesus] to Jerusalem, to present him to the Lord. Luke 2:22


There are two major related details succinctly stated here: one which restates the established law of purification for the mother and the other which verifies the fulfillment of the law. However, new version authors have recorded a serious doctrinal error. They record the purification was for both Mary and Jesus: their purification.


There is a huge contextual difference between the two pronouns, her and their. Study the table below carefully considering the highlighted personal possessive pronouns (her in the King James Bible and their in the new versions: ASV, NIV, and ESV).


New version authors erroneously strike against the deity of Jesus Christ and His unblemished character in Luke 2:22.

Luke 2:22 table showing how new versions make egregious doctrinal error by changing the pronoun her to their.

It’s doctrinally inaccurate to change the pronoun her to their. Doing so states that both Mary and Jesus needed to go through a purification process. This unscriptural wording creates an utterly egregious error (and teaching) by new version authors.


It wasn’t the child, Jesus, our LORD and Saviour who had to be ceremonially purified. It was Mary. Jesus needed no purification. He was pure and perfect from the time before the earth was put in place. He was God manifest in the flesh even as the baby in the manger. He didn’t become deity at His crucifixion; He was deity from eternity. Again, the Law of Purification was for the mother of a newborn, This purification refers to a rite in the external worship of God which sought to remove legal uncleanness so that the purified individual could resume normal activity in society. (See Leviticus 12.)

Does it really matter if or how we misrepresent the Nativity?

What if you were commissioned to record the first visit of the astronauts to the moon? What if you said that there were sheep and goats there and people playing golf? Silly? Yes, because it simply is not true, and history should be an accurate record of facts.

image of man on moon with man playing golf and sheep and goats grazing

So why has the false teaching of the Nativity (and hundreds of others) so permeated both the religious and secular communities? It’s partially because teachings of the Scriptures have many formats beyond the Scriptures themselves, such as in the aforementioned. When Scriptures are misrepresented (no matter the format), they became tainted for the multitudes. Thus, as with the Nativity, many people embrace false doctrines. They really believe the wise men visited the “Newborn King.” Such errors discussed above are only a small sampling.


No one should partake in misrepresenting the Word of God in any format. We must, at all times … earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. Jude 1:3 Everyone should be as were the Bereans: These were more noble … in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so. Acts 17:11

Who changed the truth into a lie …  have you?

Are you ready to stand up for Biblical Truths? Are you trained to go to war, spiritually and physically … to defend the faith that was once given unto the saints? Why are we losing so many battles? First, according to Second Chronicles 7:14, there is a non-negotiable requirement to turn from their wicked ways that is being avoided/ rejected. This is the core of our relationship with Jesus Christ. Without turning from sin, there is no salvation: If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.


graphic of a scroll with Mark 9:50 Salt lost his saltness.. with a church in background and a figure holding a salt shaker unside down and salt pouring outMany are praying; some are attending church services. However, very few are hearing sermons where specific lifestyle sins that Christians are living in (including pastors and leaders of our country) are directly addressed. Instead, rampant lifestyle sins in most churches, such as adultery and fornication, are being excused under the false façade of grace. Repentance has lost its “saltness”!


Secondly, we cannot effectively defend the faith if we do not have a burden to defend the pure Word of God and the doctrines that were once given unto the saints. These were they which were written by holy men as they were moved by the Holy Ghost to do so.  


Thirdly, our spiritual armour is not that of guns, tanks, and weaponry for man-to-man combat. Instead, we are instructed that we must put on the whole armour of God; because, as we are told in Ephesians 6:12, we wrestle (fight) not against man but against … spiritual wickedness in high places.

image of man with war armour on and lins girt with Truth labeled at left is a belt with a no sign over it and "belt provides no protection for anatomy: new versionsAmong the important, vital, and irreplaceable armour of God, the first listed in Ephesians 6:14 is that our loins must be girt about with truth. Tragically, this vital Truth is doctrinally incorrectly taught by most authors of the new versions of the Bible.


Study the table below which shows the only correct translation for the word loins in Ephesians 6:14 is in the King James Bible. The Greek underlying text from which the English is translated is given first.


Table showing how new version authors incorrectly translate Ephesians 6:14 replacing loins with beltInstead of Truth being embedded in their loins (inner being), millions of Christians are instead putting on an external accoutrement, a belt (even in one version, a utility belt) around their waists, rather than having their loins girt about with Truth.  Truth must come from within us, not in an external, mostly decorative, nonessential item that is an accessory which is put on and taken off depending upon the garments we wear. Neither does the waist, nor do belts, represent spiritually what becomes an inner part of the soul and spirit. It is Truth that must be within our loins.

 How does your Bible equip you to enter into spiritual battles?

Which is more sacred for you to defend and pass on?

We must not lose perspective. Even though both the Bible and our foundational legal documents are important, each has very different purposes—and very different authors.

King James Bible; Declaration of IndependenceIt’s only the Bible that is a God-breathed, doctrinally perfected, living masterpiece; vital for our eternal life. Nations and their governments change. They rise and fall, along with their man-made documents. God does not. He and His Word are immutable and are … the SAME yesterday, and to day, and for ever. [Thus, we pray that you …] Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines [nor with Bibles which doctrinally change God’s law, by even a jot or tittle, in the text and/or in critical footnotes]. Hebrews 13:8-9


Please write us if you have questions or would like prayer. We are blessed when we hear from you.

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We urge you to get the hard copy of this teaching because of its length and need to focus more seriously if you haven’t studied this topic previously.

judith's signature and Words DO Matter!

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