You may have heard it said: “Something old; somethings new; something borrowed, and something blue.” Well, this teaching is inclusively of all the aforementioned.

  • Did you KNOW God potentially deigned the hand specifically anticipating the crucifixion?
  • Do you know why Zechariah stated what he did in Zechariah 13:6?
  • Do you know why the anatomy of the hands and wrists are important Scripturally?
  • Do you know why it may have been important for Jesus to have been reared in a home where his adoptive father was a carpenter?
  • Do you know how to differentiate between Scriptures that are of the will of man and those that were penned by Holy men of God?


Learn all this and more by viewing the video below. It is a presentation we hope you will not only view but will share with many others.

Note: if video doesn’t play, click on title is upper left corner (The HANDS of Jesus) then on the play button in the center of the page.

If you have questions or would like prayer, please contact us. We are blessed when we hear from you.

In Christ’s Service,

Restoration Of The Family, Inc.