The Seriousness Of Marriage

This TV interview captures the unconditional love of a wife for her husband who has turned from his commitment to “love and cherish until death us do part.”  Judith shares her painful walk as she was reduced to a state of poverty and evicted from her home in exchange to “broker” her constitutional right, from an unjust judge, to a court-hearing. She studied at local law libraries to learn how to write legal briefs and after several years reached the United States Supreme Court with a docketed brief; yet rejection there did not daunt her love for her husband and prayers for his return.

Consider the Biblical nature of Judith’s walk and how she learned God’s statutes about the seriousness of marriage through being “afflicted”:

It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn thy statutes.

Psalm 119:71

Click to watch the TV interview hosted by Russ and Norma Bixler.

The publications mentioned in the TV interview, The Seriousness of Marriage, are available through our materials section.