Books and Other Materials
For all bulk order price discounts, and/or shipping costs for multiple copies of the same item (more than 3), write us for shipping costs: e-mail inquiry. Shipping outside U.S. is to be determined by individual country. Email us BEFORE placing an order: e-mail inquiry.
The Case for Biblical Pronouns
Reader Response (Joy Petersen): This booklet has revealed to me how methodical, analytical, structured, and precise God is when it comes to His Word. Judith Brumbaugh is such an incredible teacher – with her knowledge of God’s Word. While reading this booklet of hers, I wanted to shout out – as if she were sitting next to me: “Judith, I get it … I really get it!” Wow, I didn’t see God like that. So many unexplored aspects/depths of Him that we have never plumbed. But then, I don’t think we will ever fully know, after all, He is GOD. But I digress. Get this booklet and read it for yourself.
Suggested Donation: $5.95
Finding Loopholes in the Bible on Divorce and “Re-marriage” is like … Riding a Bike to Jamaica.
If you’re looking for answers about marriage, divorce, and “re-marriage,” you’ll find them in this illustrated, 400-page book. It’s as unique as its title with hundreds of Scriptures examined by Brumbaugh, a veteran teacher with nearly half a century of instructional experience.
Through a study of this book, you will be given standards by which you can assess the truth and error in the many Bible versions being used today. Learn how to study the Bible with new tools for understanding: how to recognize a new kind of family feud among Bible versions; whether a marriage is or is not consummated; Biblical guidance for those who are “re-married”; the depth and eternal implications of “no more twain.”
Buy Now: $6.99
It's A Matter Of Life Or Death: Wrong Thinking About Marriage Leads to Destruction!
Find answers to the following and many other questions in this 200-page, illustrated book:
- Has the Trojan Horse, entered your home?
- What do the marriage-covenant and vows mean?
- Why didn’t Joseph have Mary stoned to death?
- What did Jesus really say to the woman at the well?
- Why was John the Baptist’s head cut off?
- Did David and Bathsheba get away with adultery?
- What was Hosea’s heartbreak?
- What does God have to say to the churches today?
- How has the government usurped its authority over God in its wrongful takeover of covenant-marriages?
- What does the Bible say about non-Christian marriages?
- What does the Bible say about attorneys in domestic law?
- What does the Bible say about our judicial system?
- What is the truth about separation of church and state?
- What does the Bible have to say about America?
Buy Now: $12.99
The Miracle of Marriage
Using God’s Word, the author examines and lays to rest some popular misconceptions about marriage and divorce while unraveling the mystery of the beautiful love story encompassed in the Miracle of Marriage. This illustrated, 250-page book not only offers Biblical advice for those anticipating marriage as well as those held captive by centuries of misapplication of Scripture, but it also offers hope to those with troubled marriages. It is a must read for husbands and wives seeking Scriptural advice and those committed to building strong families.
Buy Now: $12.99
Judge, Please Don't Strike That Gavel ... On My Marriage:
Judith Brumbaugh’s book “Judge, Please Don’t Strike That Gavel … On My Marriage,” could just as aptly be called “The Court-Ship of Judith,” as it describes the author’s frustrating and painful six-year journey from her Florida kitchen to the United States Supreme Court. In a page-turning account, it tells how she set out to overturn Florida’s insidious No-fault Divorce Law, our nation’s Trojan Horse, and, in the bargain, learned how the judicial system empowers those who want to walk away from a “contract.” She was court-ordered from her home in exchange to “broker” her constitutional right to a court hearing. With a few possessions and cardboard boxes, including what was to become her most important weapon–her typewriter, she began her nomadic journey to show how divorce has impacted and devastates families and society in general. The book brings to light the fallacy and illegality of the irreconcilable differences as ground for unilaterally dissolving a marriage. Endorsed by four attorneys.
Buy now for $9.99.
THE LORD'S Prayer: A Study Of Application
This unique approach to the LORD’s Prayer will deepen every student of the Word’s appreciation for the insight Jesus included through His carefully selected, powerful words to encourage meaningful communication with “Our Father which art in Heaven.“
In this vividly illustrated, 68-page, full-color publication, the reader will study a graphical representation of Satan as described by Isaiah and Ezekiel and learn what Michael the archangel and Jesus teach about Who has the power to bind Satan. Many practical applications beyond the Prayer itself are included.
Study how principles in the LORD’s Prayer relate to God’s perspective on marriage.
Illustrated chapter titles pull the reader into each of the seven Petitions to discover how they apply to his life and those of his friends and loved ones:
- Hallow the LORD’s Name
- And Forgive Us Our Debts
- As We forgive our Debtors
- Repentance
- Temptation
- Prepare For Deception
- Tools We Must Use
For a limited time, order a second copy for $4.99 by adding that amount ($4.99) under the donation tab.
Buy Now: $8.99
The Gospel of John
The Gospel of John, King James Version (128 pages): Includes the Gospel of John, Jude, and a ten-page salvation message (Leather Cover: 6 1/2″ X 3 3/4″). Great witnessing tool.
Buy Now: $3.99
Examinando Los Pretextos
Examinando Los PRETEXTOS Para El Recasamiento De Personas Divorciadas, por David F. Meyer
Diez Paginas
Comprar Ahora: $1.00
Marriage, Divorce & "Re-Marriage"
This 46-page publication uniquely addresses the statements on the front cover in an easy, conversational style. The author pulls the reader from one topic to another with contemporary examples with which every person can have a frame of reference.
Buy Now: $3.50
What is a wife?
Is a wife married or engaged? In eighteen pages, learn how Joseph, the husband of Mary, had two kinds of wives–yet NOT two wives, and how understanding this Jewish practice provides answers to questions about Matthew 19:9. This powerful, succinct teaching unravels the many misunderstandings about the “exception clause.” Learn why the word fornication must be preserved in Matthew 19:9.
Buy Now: $3.50
With This Ring I Thee Wed
Study this 24-page publication to learn what the marriage-covenant and vows mean. Discover why God says, “The twain shall be one flesh, no more twain …” This handbook should be studied not only by every married couple but especially those anticipating marriage. Vital facts about marriage are explained which must be understood before anyone says, “I do.” It includes a copy of the typical Biblical marriage vows and a page to record the date of the wedding as well as the names of the immediate parties participating in the ceremony.
Buy Now: $3.50
The Destruction of Families Who Reject God's Word: Bible Versions 1
Study this 26-page, power-packed publication to see how the authors of the new Bible versions have violated God’s warnings to not tamper with His Word and the punishment the LORD brought upon Satan, Uzzah, and a King for violating such warnings. Learn how the authors of the new Bible versions change major doctrines about the deity of Jesus Christ and marriage by following subtle practices instituted by Satan of questioning the immutability of God’s Word. Modern-day authors achieve this “coup” against the Words of God through the insertion of hundreds of critical, man-generated footnotes.
Buy Now: $3.50
Family Feud and Your Part in The Book of Life: Bible Versions 2
Discover the vital difference between “only begotten Son” and “only son” and how the LORD teaches the contextual meaning of “begotten” more than 40 times in the book of John. In this succinctly written 54-page publication, learn why pronouns such as “thee,” thou,” and “ye” are vital and provide grammatical accuracy to the King James Bible. See how the absence of these pronouns in the new versions brings not only confusion but error into these Bibles. Be enlightened how the derivative copyright law forces authors who create new versions of the Bible to insert thousands of changes (any Bible published after 1790). Read the testimony of the man who wrote the preface to the NASV and why he said, “… I’m afraid I’m in trouble with the Lord …” Use the “Quick Guide Test” (two pages of Scriptural examples) to quickly evaluate Bibles based upon corrupted texts.
Buy Now: $4.99
Marriage from God's Perspective Love Your Mate!
In this illustrated, self-study 38-page workbook, uncover the grammatical keys necessary to properly understand Matthew 19:9. Learn about the two kinds of Biblical wives and husbands revealed in the Scriptures and how the misunderstanding of these facts has led to wrong interpretations of major Bible doctrines.
Understand an aspect of repentance that is deceiving even the very elect—the real meaning behind repentance. Discover why God recognizes unbelievers’ marriages. Study how to love your spouse Biblically; why parents must discipline their children, and what it means to be one flesh. Understand how the silkworm’s cocoon is a picture and warning of how sin leads to an eternal, torturous death. This illustrated, question and answer format provides a unique learning platform which encourages a deeper study of many misapplied Scriptures.
Buy Now: $6.99
CPR for Wounded Hearts
Study through Biblical examples of what can happen to families when parents do not model godly patterns for their children. Learn the importance of praying Scripture—how to do it—and practice with a Scriptural example utilizing 21 different Scripture passages. Learn the importance of fasting. Many pages with fill-in-the-blank exercises give opportunities to work within the Scriptures to learn what God has to say about families and healing for those wounded from life’s crises. Learn the importance of and how to put on the armor of God to overcome whatever the enemy may throw at you. This 20-page workbook is accompanied by a packet of 52 Scripture verses on index cards to aid in the memorization of Scriptures: “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.” Psalm 119:11
Buy Now: $4.99
Memory Scripture Cards
52 Memory Scripture cards
Buy Now: $4.99
Answers To Questions
Our most popular publication [20 pages]. This is a succinct discussion of Deuteronomy 24:4, Jeremiah 3:1, Matthew 5:32 and 19:9.
- A clear explanation of the “exception clause” is presented;
- what God has to say about returning to an original mate;
- the important difference between the teaching of “the woman at the well” and “the woman caught in an act of adultery,”
- and the important differences between contracts and covenants.
Learn why we must differentiate between being one in spirit with the LORD, but never one in spirit with anyone else, and why we don’t have soul mates. Understand the important difference between two kinds of divorces and of which kind the LORD approves and that of which He disapproves.
Buy Now: $2.99
TRACT: What does the Bible Say About Divorce?
This tract includes a concise listing and Biblical application of Scriptures on marriage and divorce within a question and answer format.
Request a free copy with any order or donation of $10 or more.
Write us for pricing on multiple copies.
Buy Now: $1.00 (or one free tract w/ minimum donation of $10.00, when requested with order).
Fifty cents each ($0.50): Send check or money order directly to Restoration Of The Family; PO Box 621342; Oviedo, FL 32762-1342. We will pay handling and shipping. This offer not valid for on-line or credit-card orders. Order must be mailed to above address.
Tract: Receive Jesus Christ Now!
Receive Jesus Christ Now! An excellent tract clearly presenting the message of salvation through Jesus Christ. This powerful witnessing tool can be mailed or given to your loved ones, friends, peers, and strangers. Included is a prayer to receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savoir.
Share a copy of “Receive Jesus Christ Now!” with your loved ones, with your waiter at restaurants, with people you meet in the store, with those at your workplace, with anyone who comes to your home, or even with people you meet on the golf course.
Request a free copy with your order or donation of $5 or more. Write us for pricing on multiple copies.
Buy Now: $0.99 or free w/minimum donation of $5.00, when requested with order.
Note Cards with Envelopes
Notecards with envelopes. Ten sets in clear see-through packaging. Our Mission is Families is written in eight languages.
Perfect gift or for personal use
Buy Now: $4.99
Large Print King James Bible
Black or Burgandy, Leatherflex.
Features include: End-of-verse references, Bible book introductions, stars marking Messianic prophecies, words of Jesus in red, concordance.
Limited supply. Only one Bible per order.
Buy Now: $24.99
Outdoor Bible
This one-of-a-kind amphibious Bible is perfect for those in the military, as well as for those roughed outdoors-men. It is completely waterproof and lightweight. It dries thoroughly and is much stronger than paper; it adapts well to all extremes. It is light-weight and compact. It includes the New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs recorded from the King James text. Limited supply: one per order.
Buy Now: $24.99
The Nature of Marriage - CD
Two-day radio interview broadcast from Michigan. Phone lines were opened for live call ins. Hear responses to questions about “except it be for fornication”; the options for a divorced person; why marriage is a matter of life or death; the effect of what God joins in marriage, and much more.
Buy Now: $4.99
No-Fault Divorce - CD
Radio interview (Texas) with author of Judge Please Don’t Strike That Gavel … On My Marriage and 40-year Federal and State Constitutional litigation attorney. Some topics discussed include: Is the No-Fault Law Divorce Law Constitutional? Are Plaintiffs and Defendants afforded the same rights in a divorce lawsuit? What is the difference between a covenant and a contract? Phone lines were opened for live call ins.
Buy Now: $4.99
Why? A Worldwide Flood - DVD
This 35-minute DVD brings to life the reality of the flood waters that once destroyed everything on the earth: plants, animals, and people. See and hear details of this amazing Biblical account of God’s wrath against sinful people. Why was only the family of Noah preserved alive? Study the Scriptures which give the length of time that God gave for Noah to build the ark—for the saving of his family–you will discover why it wasn’t 120 years! Learn why there is another upcoming annihilation recorded in the Bible—even more extensive than the first.
Buy Now: $4.99
Donation: 100% Tax-deductible 501(c)(3) donation.
Make a one time or monthly donation to help Restoration Of The Family to carry on and extend the work of establishing and restoring Biblical families.
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