Judge, Please Don’t Strike that Gavel … On my Marriage is a live, radio interview hosted by Carmen Pate of Point of View and Founding Director of Center for Christ and Culture, Michael Craven. The two guests are the author of the Judge book, Judith Brumbaugh, and 40-year Attorney at Law (Federal & State Constitutional Litigation) Attorney, J. Shelby Sharpe. Attorney Sharpe is one of four attorneys who wrote an endorsement for the book. From the back book cover:

Attorney Sharpe, Attorney at Law:

No-fault Divorce is the most devastating event that has ever occurred in
American history by any measurement. This book describes those consequences and explains why all No-fault Divorce Laws should be repealed.

Charles E. Rice, Professor Emeritus Notre Dame Law School:

This first-person account of the operation of the divorce machine should motivate us to change the legal system and, more, important, to work and pray to restore marriage to its divinely ordained integrity.

Claire Ford, Attorney at Law:

Judith Brumbaugh is a very courageous woman who has used her personal nightmare to help others.

Kelly M. Dodd, Attorney at Law:

Judith Brumbaugh’s experience puts an exclamation point on the tragedy of No-fault Divorce and illustrates how ill-equipped our court system is to handle cases under the present system.

Book cover, Judge, Please Don't Strike That Gavel ... On My Marriage

Visit our materials section to order a copy of the book. Click below to listen to the radio interview: