IF ... Covid_19The conditional, small word, if, precedes untold potential numbers of hypotheticals—both good and bad. Today, much of the world is reeling from the fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic. Pages could be written regarding the unexpected challenges we, our families and friends, businesses, and our government are experiencing now, as well as those challenges to come in the days ahead.


Fear and indecision has gripped many, immobilized others, and even deceived the innocent. Perhaps you don’t know how you will pay your mortgage, rent, utilities, etc. Maybe you are dealing with children at home 24/7 with whom you are learning to become a substitute teacher, recreational director, nurse and cheerleader. Others have been unexpectedly rushed to the hospital, and many potentially vulnerable seniors who live in senior and assisted living communities have been confined to their rooms with no visitors allowed. They, like those of us in our residential homes, may fear the “unseen enemy” that might attack our physical bodies.

Change Our Thinking

teaspoon of sugarHowever, in the midst of the potential gloom and doom, there are positive things we can do. The first is to modify our thinking. Even though we cannot erase reality, we can mitigate events by finding some positives to dilute what is surrounding us. It’s like “a spoonful of sugar that helps the medicine go down,” a partial song lyric made popular by the 1964 musical fantasy, Mary Poppins. This song was made popular through the actress Julia Andrews who visited a dysfunctional family and injected such humor to solve challenges which had immobilized this family: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftxnr28LDXc


I’m not saying that Hollywood can solve the overwhelming challenges you may be facing. However, even God has a sense of humor which He sprinkles here and there throughout His written Word that you may or may not recognize as you study the Scriptures. The LORD utilizes secular examples in a variety of ways to help His audience understand the principles and precepts He is teaching.

Hand with miniatue hand at the end of each finger over background of numbersPlease consider your LOVE to study the Bible. It is oxymoronic to believe you love the LORD but resist studying the Word, as recorded in the Bible:  In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God …   And the Word was made flesh [Jesus Christ], and dwelt among us … John 1:1, 14

So what else could be part of our “sugary medicine” to help us through this pandemic? How about counting the blessings we do have; or, as another song reminds us: “Count your blessings, name them one by one.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=900jWVSWS3M

When upon life’s billows you are tempest tossed, When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost, Count your many blessings, name them one by one, And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done. Refrain: Count your blessings, name them one by one; Count your blessings, see what God hath done; Count your blessings, name them one by one; Count your many blessings, see what God hath done …

In All Things Give Thanks

Give thanks for what you have. For example, do you enjoy the basic bodily functions of sight, hearing, walking, talking, and thinking? Do you have a home that hasn’t been blown away by 150 MPH winds or swamped with raging flood waters? Are you living in an area where a tornado or hurricane has not destroyed the entire infrastructure, including all businesses and homes of your once-beloved community? Give thanks!

Man studying BiblePerhaps the newly-forced “hunkering down” at home, coupled with some of the media-induced fear, can encourage each of us to find time to dust off the cover of our Bible and see what God has been waiting to teach us; to communicate with us. He LONGS to fellowship with each of us. His communication is primarily through His words that have been preserved in the Bible. Through these words, God reveals His plan for each of us, His comfort, and His wisdom; but, this plan includes faith in His plan rather than total dependence on our man-made resources, some of which might seem meager for some, but abundant for others.

God is not man that He can lie!

It may seem unrealistic in the midst of our current circumstances to believe God when he says: And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 However, eventually, God’s plan will come to pass, with or without us bowing our knees to Him. Notice in the accented words above that God’s plan is addressed to specific people—those that love Him. “How,” one might ask, “do I know who loves God?” God clearly defines this group of submissive people:


For this is the love of God, that (1) we keep his commandments: and (2) his commandments are not grievous. 1 John 5:3 (The second clause exposes the “attitude” of our heart.)

A Prayer for help may be at our fingertips.

Turn to an Old Testament Scripture that is familiar to many Christians who are falling upon their knees and looking up to God to manifest healing of our land. The man to whom God was directly speaking in this verse, recorded in 2 Chronicles 7:14, was King Solomon. This was God’s partial response to Solomon’s long prayer recorded in Chapter six in which Solomon petitioned God to forgive the people for their sins, whatever they might be, IF they turned from their sins and back to God (repented). It was true then, as it is today: God wants to heal and restore, but God has conditions:

If my people, 1which are called by my name, 2shall humble themselves, and 3pray, and 4seek my face, and 5turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14.

Notice this promise from God starts with the conditional conjunction, IF. So what are the conditions wherein God was telling King Solomon He would forgive their sins and heal their land, even after they had sinned? Carefully consider the qualifications that applied then and likewise must be met today as we apply God’s reply to our prayers:

  1. We are God’s people (evidenced by the lifestyles we live).
  2. We humble ourselves (often accompanied by fasting).
  3. We pray to God. (As New Testament Christians, we pray to God, in the name of Jesus Christ.)
  4. We seek God (by studying the Scriptures as workmen [See 2 Timothy 2:15]).
  5. We turn from our wicked ways (repent from sin).

The crux of what goes awry in this prayer today is that people do not prioritize the study of the Bible as a daily practice. Additionally, many excuse sin (falsely calling many sins, God’s grace) rather than turning from lifestyles that God says are sin; that is, they reject the Word: They refuse: (1) to keep his commandments: and (2) his commandments “become” grievous to them.

Now therefore fear the LORD, and serve him in sincerity and in truth … Joshua 24:14

What we are experiencing in our nation, and likewise what many other countries are encountering, is out of our hands; however, we are told to fear the LORD, not our circumstances.  The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding. Proverbs 9:10

young girl hiding under pillow on a sofaafraidMay the LORD help each of us to conceptualize the difference between (1) the fear of the LORD and (2) the fear of our circumstances. We must first understand what it means to fear God before we can put into proper perspective the fear of our circumstances. That is, we must study the Bible to learn Who God is and what His plan is for us before we can grasp His peace in the midst of our challenges and the storms which may lie ahead. May we daily study the Bible to develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and learn what God’s plan is for us and to put in perspective godly fear versus worldly fear.

Please email us if you have questions or would like us to pray with or for you.

In Christ’s Service,

Restoration Of The Family, Inc.