Humpty Dumpty fell, but unlike us, he had no Redeemer.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put Humpty together again!

Humpty Dumpty fell.

Humpty Dumpty fell, but he had no redeemer to restore him.  Likewise, Christians can fall, but we have a Redeemer Who can work miracles in our broken lives IF we turn to Him.

Chris Davidson learns early in life the importance of a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Chris Davidson learns early in life the importance of a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Sixteen-year-old Chris Davidson shares through his writing, “Humpty Dumpty,” how he turns to the Bible when things go wrong in life.  He has seen how friends can lead you astray, but it is Jesus Christ Who has the correct answers for life’s challenges.

When Chris Davidson was in the eighth grade, he wrote the following testimony. He has continued to grow in his bold witness for the LORD as he matures by daily searching the Scriptures.

“I think that I am Humpty Dumpty because every time I fall, the king’s horses and the king’s men (my friends) try to make me feel better and convince me that it’s all right, or that it’s going to be. At first that seems to help, but when they leave, it’s like … well … it’s like they’ve left a broken Humpty.

“If my friends are in trouble, and they talk to me about it, I might give them a little advice and then tell them to talk to God about it and read their Bible. Second Peter 1:3 to me means that God supplies our strength, love, joy, peace and everything we need to get through all the problems that come our way:

“Sometimes I feel like a paralytic that can’t move or talk. If I fall into the wrong hands and give into temptation, I will be at Satan’s mercy … which is no mercy at all! However, if I give my situations to God, I fall into holy hands, and He will protect me from the fiery darts of the enemy. When Humpty fell, everyone came to his assistance — except the king.

All the king's men could not repair Humpty Dumpty.

“According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue.” (2 Peter 1:3)

” … for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. (Hebrews 13:5)

“When I call upon His name, He is there immediately to help me and to comfort me. He lets me know that He is higher and stronger than the mountains that I face. He also assures me that He is going to work everything out according to His will and purposes.

“When God sees me in trouble, He corrects me, and immediately He starts to put me back together. I am thankful for God’s grace to forgive me and let me start over again. He is my Redeemer, my Healer, my Righteousness, my Comforter, the Restorer of my soul.”


When Humpty Dumpty fell, there was no “king” to redeem him.  When we fall, we have THE King, Jesus Christ, to redeem us.  He has paid the price (His shed blood on the cross) for the debt we create each time we sin.  

We, however, have a part in this. We must receive Him as Saviour and Lord and turn from sin to a lifestyle that is pure and holy.  If we die with the debt of our sin upon ourselves, we will be a Humpty Dumpty with no Redeemer, and we will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

Humpty Dumpties-those who die with the debt of sin upon we will be a Humpty Dumpty with no Redeemer and will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven
If we die with the debt of our sin upon ourselves, we will be a Humpty Dumpty with no Redeemer and we will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven