This message, given through the video CPR For Wounded Hearts, is one which is designed to minister to you if you have had some type of crisis or are currently living through one; whether it be major or minor. Or, perhaps you know someone who is having serious challenges who has reached out to you, or you to that person. The focus of this teaching is directed toward those who have had, or are experiencing, a breakup of their family because one or both spouses have decided to throw in the towel on their marriage. However, the principles discussed can be applied to most challenges that come into anyone’s life.

In the video, CPR for Wounded hearts, you will learn:

  • how to pray Scriptures;
  • how to fight for your sons, your daughters, your spouse, and your home;
  • how to put the Scriptures to work for you;
  • how to be thankful when you only have ice cubes in your otherwise empty refrigerator;
  • how to change your way of thinking from negative to positive;
  • how to put on God’s armour and fend off Satan’s attempt to control of your mind.

Especially helpful are the graphics that have been created for the video which add a special dimension of connectivity between the speaker and you, the listener. Click below to play the video.
CPR For Wounded Hearts is taken from a publication I wrote after having asked, “Why?” for many years while living through the ravages of a separation from my husband, children, and home. I now understand “why” as I probably would not have experienced the close walk with the LORD, nor have taken a bold stand for Biblical standards; neither would I have been a witness for the provisions which come from the LORD had I not experienced this walk. I can assuredly say, “It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn thy statutes.” Psalm 119:71
The video mentioned above, CPR For Wounded Hearts, teaches principles on how I overcame deep depression and even the desire for God to take my life. I hope you will afford me the privilege of sharing with you principles I learned and applied to overcome many unforeseen challenges. These principles brought healing for deep emotional and spiritual wounds and many challenging disappointments.

These experiences helped to lay the foundation for the now 35-year, faith-based, world-wide ministry, Restoration Of The Family.  Through this organization, thousands have been ministered to throughout the United States and Several foreign countries. You can review some of these outreaches on this website:

You can also watch a featured TV interview, “The Seriousness of Marriage,” to hear some of my overcoming testimony:
If you have any questions or would like prayer, please email us at
In Christ’s Service,
Judith Brumbaugh
Restoration Of The Family, Inc.