Covenant Marriage Movement (CMM) beware of the initial way it was promoted as reported in the news media at the time. At the time the article about Covenant Marriage Movement (CMM) was published, the organization promoted what they called a Covenant Marriage agreement. Leadership stated that their movement was “a movement of God.” “God has already extended an invitation to over 30 organizations to join Him and they have said, ‘Yes Lord.'” (The audio player for this teaching is at the bottom of this article.)

We should be very careful about making statements such as “God has already extended an invitation …” unless there is a direct quote from the Bible. We may feel led of the LORD but that is quite different from saying God has extended an invitation …

CMM has created two classifications of marriages: noncovenant and covenant, both encompassing unscriptural associations. Beware. God gives no man the power or authority to create a marriage-covenant. This is a power that only God holds and exercises.

The CMM (as stated in the received article) is based upon the passage of a marriage covenant law in the states of Louisiana and Arizona. Those “signing up for a covenant marriage” can get “out” of this covenant marriage for the following reasons (according to LA House Bill 756): adultery, abandonment, physical or sexual abuse or the felony conviction of one spouse. This bill was amended by House Bill 1631 to add annulment as a way to “dissolve marriage.” NONE of these are biblical.  It is impossible (biblically) to dissolve God’s one-flesh creation with sinful acts of man – no matter how insidious these transgressions may be.  God permits separation – not dissolution – in some instances: … if she depart, let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife. (I Corinthians 7:11)

For a transcribed copy of this recording, click here: Text CMM