Bible Study: Who Changed the Truth: Bible belt and Decl of Indp.

We’re excited to share with you another lesson in our “Bible Study Series.” This study may concern some readers as its focus is on the defense of the authorship of the Bible. However, the information presented herein will better prepare those who complete it with insights into the upcoming teaching/article by the same name: Who Changed the Truth … The material in this Bible study is broadened and extended in the aforementioned teaching/article to include a comparison and contrast with current political debates regarding citizens’ rights protected under our founding documents, the United States Constitution, etc. We “exhort” you to please consider reading both this study and the expanded teaching before making any conclusions.


The answers you give are only for your benefit. Please do not email them to us unless you have questions. The answers and study materials are from the King James Bible.

Study Questions 

  1. We learn from a study of the Bible that God considers His Word what kind of book? This book of the _______ shall not depart out of thy mouth … Joshua 1:8
  2. The LORD refers to the Bible in legal terms hundreds of times. The word law is repeated 25 times just in Psalm 119. The following are two examples: The ________ of thy mouth is better unto me than thousands of gold and silver. Psalm 119:72 Unless thy _________ had been my delights, I should then have perished in mine affliction. Psalm 119:92 God commanded Joshua to write His words … in the book of the _______ of God. Joshua 24:26.
  3. Whom did God choose to pen the Words that have been preserved in the Bible? For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but __________ _________of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. 2 Peter 1:21
  4. The first copyright law in the United States was adopted in 1790. All Bibles which are copyrighted are governed by the derivative copyright law. The Scriptures in copyrighted Bibles are owned by the authors as they are considered to be the creators or originators of their copyrighted works. That’s why permission must be granted from authors to reproduce their created Scriptures beyond a certain number of words. This is not true with the King James Bible because Scriptures in the KJ Bible are not copyrighted. All Scriptures in the KJ Bible can be reproduced without permission. Any U.S. copyright in a KJ Bible does not include the Scriptures. It would be for maps, commentaries, formatting, etc. What does God say the about His Word? … but the _______­­____ of God is __________ bound … 2 Timothy 2:9 Copyrights bind the Word of God.
  5. Even though anyone can reproduce all of the Words in the KJ Bible, God’s “copyright law” states that none of the words are to be changed. How do we know this? Ye shall not ________ unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye ___________________ ought from it … Deuteronomy 4:2 The reason for such a seemingly over-restrictive command is given in the latter words of this verse: … that ye may __________ the commandments of the LORD your God which I _________________ you. In other words, if God’s words are doctrinally changed, we could be deceived into following false doctrine.
  6. Why did Jude pen the book of Jude? For there are certain men ____________ ____ unawares … _______________ men, turning the __________ of our God into __________­­­____________________, and denying the only LORD God, and our Lord Jesus Christ. Jude 1:4
  7. Jude also gives a strong message to all believers (Beloved) regarding their responsibility to the Word of God. What is that? Beloved … it was needful for me to write unto you, and ______________ you that ______ should earnestly _____________ for the faith which was once ___________________ unto the saints. Jude 1:3
  8. The pronoun ye is correctly translated in Jude 1:3 in the King James Bible because it is precisely translated from the underlying Greek word for ye. Ye is recorded rather than you not because, as many have wrongly been taught, ye is 17th -century or outdated grammar. There are different underlying Greek words for ye, you, thee, etc. depending on the context; whether they are singular or plural, and how (the case) they are used in the sentence. It is the King James translators who were true to the underlying text with these pronouns uses. Ye is always used when the reference is to more than one person and that reference is in the subjective case. New version authors use the pronoun you for both singular and plural and varying cases.  This can and does lead to erroneous doctrine and requires personal interpretation, something of which God disapproves.Table comparing KJ verses for Matthew 5:13 and 5:46 with Greek text and new versions showing they don't use YE.Because of the consistent, grammatical translation of the KJ Bible of Jude 1:3, there’s no need for the reader to debate whether Jude is referring to one person or more than one. Since ye is always plural, the reader knows that Ye should contend for the faith means ALL (plural) brethren.Write us if you have questions, or send for our publication Bible Versions Volume 1 (listed on our website) which discusses this in more depth.
  9. The KJ translators help readers and writers avoid uninspired debate dealing with Scripture, especially because they accurately translate personal pronouns and other words. Uninspired debate (personal, uninspired interpretation) is called private interpretation. What does God say about private interpretation? Knowing this first, that _____ prophecy of the scripture is of any private _____________________________. 2 Peter 1:20.
  10. There are things that both God and man do and do not do, and there are things that are impossible for both God and man. What is an example of something that God cannot do because He is God? In hope of eternal life, which ________, that _________________ lie, promised before the world began. Titus 1:2. It is possible for man to lie; however, it is not possible for God to lie.
  11. Beware of Bible authors who remove the word begotten and/or Son. Is Jesus the only begotten Son, or is He the only begotten God? No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten ________, which is in the bosom of the Father, he [Jesus] hath declared him [God]. John 1:18 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only _________________ Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16 The Greek word translated only begotten is in all underlying Greek texts but not translated by many new version authors. Jesus is not an only Son, He is the only begotten Son. Many people have an only son, but they do not have the only begotten Son; He Whom God sent from above.
  12. There are both direct and indirect ways in which the Word of God is misrepresented. Thousands of Scriptures are directly changed by authors who obtain a copyright to produce a Bible. Indirect ways people misrepresent the Word is by their lifestyles (living in a lifestyle that God says is sin and may be approved by friends and even clergy). Another indirect way Scripture is misrepresented is through inaccurate graphics and lyrics in songs. A common practice which has taught false doctrine is the way the Nativity scene is misrepresented. This misrepresentation occurs when three kings are shown at the manger to worship the newborn Jesus. How do we know this is not true? … in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came ____________ men (not kings and the number of wise men is not given) from the east to Jerusalem, Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have … come to worship him. Matthew 2:1-2 And when they were come into the ___________, (not to a manger) they saw the __________ child (not a baby) with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him … Matthew 2:11
  13. God’s Word is inerrant. How do we know this? The words of the LORD are ____________ words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou [God] shalt ___________ them, O _____________, thou shalt _______________ them from this generation ­­­­_­­­­­________ _____________ Psalm 12:6-7 … God, that _________________ lie …. Titus 1:2
  14. Many pray for the healing of our land and refer to 2 Chronicles 7:14. People are praying, and some are fasting; however, a non-negotiable part of this verse is not being seriously followed. What is that? If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and­­­ ______ _______ ________  __________ ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14 Turning from wicked ways is what the Word of God teaches is repentance. It’s not just being sorry but totally stopping the acts which God says are sin. Grace doesn’t cover sin; it gives time to repent.
  15. In Ephesians 6:14, we are taught that part of God’s armour to fight spiritual battles is the following: Stand therefore, having your _______________ girt about with ______________ …
  16. That by two ____________________ [impossible] things, in which it was impossible for God to ____________ …  Hebrews 6:18
  17. The Bible is the only “Book” that is a God-breathed, doctrinally perfected, living masterpiece and is vital for our eternal life. Nations and their governments change. They rise and fall, along with their man-made documents. God does not. He, and His Word, are immutable and are … the same ____________________ , and to day, and for ever. Hebrews 13:8
    image of KJ Bible and Declaration of Independence
    Since we know Hebrews 13:8 is true, why then have there been more than 400 different, copyrighted, English versions of the Bible (unlike the preservation of our country’s foundational legal documents which have not been rewritten)? “How can this be?” should we not ask? The teaching/article Who Changed the Truth … gives the answer.

If you would like a printed copy of the teaching/article mentioned above, or to share with others, go to our website and make a donation of any amount: 

The above offer is good only for those with U.S. Postal addresses and through April, 2021. Thereafter, order from our website, or write to us: Restoration Of The Family; PO Box 621342; Oviedo, FL 32762-1342.

A copy of it can be read on this website under Teachings: Bible Versions.

In Christ’s Service,
Judith, President/Founder,
Restoration Of The Family

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Hints for puzzle: #3, #7, and #16 (across) each have a blank space between the two required words.

Puzzle based on Study Questions