Dear Brother or Sister in the LORD:
We’re excited to share with you the second in our “Bible Study Series.” It’s wonderful to hear that several of you are sharing the Bible study with others, including those who are in restrictive access housing. Please email us if you have friends or relatives who would like to receive our teachings.
We encourage you to complete your Bible study with a hard copy of the Bible rather than with a mechanical device. The questions purposely take you back and forth between the Old and New Testaments to help keep you refreshed on finding the books of the Bible.
Part of your “homework” is to memorize the order of the books of the Bible if you haven’t already done that. Two index cards are provided at the left that can be enlarged and printed for a handy reference. Email us if you would like us to email you these images in a larger format.
Study Questions
Instead of the Scripture stating God will provide Himself (a lamb), the new versions are stating that God will provide for Himself the lamb.
17. The changes made by the new versions in Genesis 22:8 are but a sampling of the hundreds of subtle changes that most do not notice. These changes (added and deleted words, changes in parts of speech and functions of words) are sprinkled throughout their Bibles. Remember, it was only one word in Genesis that was the catalyst to change the whole world. What was that three-letter word?
18. What is the three-letter word that new version authors insert which changes the vital meaning of Genesis 22:8? ________ 19. Fill in the blank in the table below for Proverbs 30:5-6. |
After you have STUDIED the above information, complete the puzzle below. An online version is supplied by clicking on this link.
Restoration Of The Family, Inc.
The Problem: The Denial of The Deity of Jesus Christ
The authors of the new versions of the Bible have added one word, for (a preposition), to the text of Genesis 22:8. With the addition of the word for, the vital function of the (reflexive) pronoun himself has been changed. This restructuring of the sentence removes a strong statement of the deity of Jesus Christ.
- Direct Object:
Direct objects answer the questions: Whom? or What? God gaveHIMSELF …
God (subject) gave (verb) Himself (Direct object answers the question “Whom?”). -
A word (or group of words) that identifies or renames the noun or pronoun it follows. It is the placing of a word or expression so that the second word explains and has the same grammatical construction as the first.God (subject) gave (verb) Himself (Direct object-answers the question, “Whom?”) a lamb (appositive, renames Himself).
- Indirect Object is a word or phrase that informs to whom or for whom something is being done. The new versions create an indirect object.“God will provide for himself the lamb.” (NKJV, ESV, et al.)
God (subject) will provide (verb) FOR (preposition) Himself (object of preposition, used as an indirect object) the lamb (direct object). This is saying God will provide something or someone (for Himself) to become the sacrificial lamb, instead of the fact that God will provide Himself a Lamb. God is the lamb in the person of Jesus Christ.