Lot and Daughters escaping Sodom fire and brimstone

Lot & Sodom Bible Study 4A

We’re excited to share with you the fifth in our “Bible Study Series,” 4A The information presented herein will better prepare those who complete this study for the upcoming teaching: “Is It Foolishness or Faith? Part 4: Lot & Sodom.” We urge you to use a hard copy of the Bible rather than a mechanical device to help you complete the following study. The goal for our Bible Study Lessons is to encourage readers to use their Bibles and to become actively engaged in the learning process. The answers you give are only for your benefit. Please do not email them to us unless you have questions. The answers and study materials are from the King James Bible.

Study Questions        

  1. Where is the first place the name Hebrew is used in the Bible? ___________________ And there came one that had escaped, and told Abram the ___________ … Genesis 14:13
  2. The first war mentioned in Scripture is in Genesis ____________. That these made ________ with … Genesis 14:2. However, the first war announced was that between God and Satan in Genesis 3:15: And I will put _______________ between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy ___________, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
  3. There are two major groups of kings listed at the beginning of Genesis, Chapter 14. The first was of a powerful confederation of kings from northeast of Israel/Cannon. They were … _______________the king of Shinar (Babylon), ________________ the King of Ellasar, _________________________ the king of Elam, and ___________ king of nations. Genesis 14:1 They were from the northeast (Mesopotamian area).
  4. The second group of kings were Lords over four major cities in the life of Lot. These five cities, collectively called the cities of Jordan or the cities of the   ____________ Abram dwelled in the land of Canaan, and Lot dwelled in the cities of the ______________, and pitched his tent toward Sodom. Genesis 13:12
  5. The kings of the five cities of the plain were … Bera king of ___________, and with Birsha king of _____________, Shinab, king of ______________, and Shemeber king of ___________, and the king of Bela, which is _________. Genesis 14:2
    Map of five cities of the plain near Dear Sea
  6. These five cities of the plain were once beautiful and well-watered. God compared this area to the beauty … even as the garden ______________ [Eden], like the land of Egypt … Genesis 13:10
  7. The first time the noun “word” appears in Scripture when it refers to the Word of the LORD rather than to the words of men is in Genesis _______. After these things the __________ of the LORD came unto Abram … Genesis 15:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the ________ was with God, and the ________ was God … And the __________ was made flesh [Jesus] ____________________ among us … John 1:1, 14
  8. How wealthy was Abram? And Abram was _______ rich in __________, in ___________, and in ___________. Genesis 13:2.
  9. What did Lot’s two daughters who escaped the destruction of Sodom do when they got their father drunk? They had sex with him resulting in the pregnancy of both. And the firstborn bare a son, and called his name ___________ … And the younger, she also bare a son, and called his name Ben-ammi … the father of the children of _______________ unto this day. Genesis 19:37, 38 The Moabites and Ammonites became thorns in the flesh of the Israelites and continue to be so even today.
  1. Lot had several children, including both unmarried (virgin) and married daughters. How do we know Lot had married daughters? And Lot went out [of his house], and spake unto his sons in law, ___________________________his daughters … Genesis 19:14
  2. How quickly did God destroy Sodom? … Sodom, that was overthrown as __________________ … Lamentations 4:6
  3. With what did God destroy Sodom and Gomorrah? Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah _______________________and ________ from the LORD out of heaven. Genesis 19:24
  4. Where in the New Testament do we read about fire and brimstone? But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained ________ and ________________ from heaven, and destroyed them all. Luke 17:29 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of __________ and __________________ Revelation 20:10
  5. Who interceded to God for the life of Lot? ____________ And it came to pass, when God destroyed the cities of the plain, that God remembered ______________, and sent Lot out of the midst of the overthrow, when he overthrew the cities in the which Lot dwelt. Genesis 19:29
  6. Even though God delivered Lot, his wife, and their two unmarried daughters out of Sodom, and specifically warned “look not behind thee” (Genesis 19:17), Lot’s wife, not wanting to leave, looked back and got caught in the fire and brimstone (today called Sulfur: British spelling, Sulphur). Jesus succinctly warns us today when we come out of sin, don’t look back: Remember ________ wife. Luke 17:32
  7. But his Lot’s] wife looked _________ from _________ him, and she became a _________ of salt. Genesis 19:26

After you have studied the above information, complete the puzzle below. An online version (with answers) is supplied by clicking on this link



If you have questions or would like prayer, please email us. We are blessed when we hear from you: RestorationOfTheFamily@gmail.com or write us: Restoration Of The Family: PO Box 621342 Oviedo, FL 32762-1342.              www.RestorationOfTheFamily.org


Christ’s Service,


Judith Brumbaugh

Restoration Of The Family, Inc.

Puzzle for Bible Study